Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Dope Benedict XVI

Just when you think the Catholic Church can’t get any further behind the curve they once again trip over their flowing robes and fall right on their face. Today the Pope, on his first trip to Africa, told his followers that condoms were not the solution to AIDS, but rather part of the problem. That’s just brilliant. Is there anything more ludicrous than listening to a bunch of men, who may or may not have ever had sexual intercourse, give the world a sex ed lesson? Maybe I after finish this post I’ll just run down to the Kennedy Space Center and teach those boys a thing or two about ballistic rocket flight?

There are over twenty-two million people, the population of the state of Texas, living with the HIV virus in Sub-Saharan Africa, including eleven million orphans. You would truly have to believe that you’re anointed by God, which they do, in order to be this obtuse. Someone needs to explain to me how the Pope can show up, ironically dress up like gigantic rubber, and tell a dying continent lies about how to help itself because sex out of wedlock is a sin? Excuse me sir. What’s the ninth commandment again?

The World Health Organization has told the Vatican that by telling its followers that condoms don’t work will only cause more harm. Does the Vatican listen? Right. Why would they? They answer to a higher power, i.e. the voices that are trapped inside their thick skulls. The WHO has said that condoms, when used correctly, help reduce risk of HIV by 90%. Sure the Vatican can counter by saying abstinence can produce 100% effectiveness. Yeah, because people are going to suddenly stop having sex. And I think we’ve all seen how well abstinence has worked out for this pious bunch. The only thing the Catholic Church has ever done near 90% effectiveness is proselytize low hanging fruit and shuffle around its pedophiles.

Religion, at least in this case, has once again proven to be more harmful than helpful. We will have to unfortunately continue to wait in vain for something good to actually come from the supposed “good book.”

Paradoxically, Africa is the fastest growing region in the world for Roman Catholics. I guess when you can no longer sell ice to the Eskimos there's always Africans?


  1. If I lived in my own private castle, was old as the hills and thought the world was 4,000 years old, I too might think we could simply reverse millions of years of human desire.

    Unfortunately, I live in the real world where people do have sex. The way I see it we can either see that it's done safely or continue to pretend we can stop it while an entire continent dies.

    Something about that latter option doesn't seem too christian to me.

  2. That’s just brilliant. Is there anything more ludicrous than listening to a bunch of men, who may or may not have ever had sexual intercourse, give the world a sex ed lesson?
    Genius line just plain genius Grant.
    I do think that there is a large amount of good that can be found in the good book, but that is another topic.
